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Third class has many other passengers. None of them reminds of former steerage class.
After about 1 1/2 h. lift anchor and proceed. Cold, cloudy & windy.  [[strikethrough]] July 19. [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Queenstown a small town, [[/underline]] passenger steamers cannot reach wharves which are in shallow water. [[underline]] Irish fly new orange-white-Green flag. Irish women came to sell silk shawls,[[/underline]] and rather poorly made ware.
July 19. [[underline]] Rainy, cloudy, cold & windy. [[/underline]] More rolling and more passengers seasick. This is the worst weather I have had any [[underline]] where since I left San Francisco.[[/underline]]
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Boat is [[underline]] clean, excellent service [[/underline]] well built, food excellent in quality and preparation. Ship is [[underline]] dry [[/underline]] and [[underline]] no alcoholic drinks [[/underline]] at table but most passengers have a bottle or two of supply in their rooms. A [[underline]] quiet orderly lot of passengers. [[/underline]] Boat is almost the same as [[underline]] S.S. President Taft. [[/underline]] Very clean comfortable sleeping rooms no attempt at showy ornamentation. [[underline]] Rooms look more like excellent hotel rooms Fruits abundant & [[/underline]] excellent. This is the [[underline]] best ship and the best service I have had since I left home. [[/underline]] Can make 20 knots and now is making 18-19 knots [[strikethrough]] July 20 [[/strikethrough]] Wind has increased to velocity 60-70 miles