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[[underline]] Aug 7. [[/underline]] At office interviewing men for [[underline]] sailor [[/underline]] position
[[underline]] Aug 8. [[/underline]] Morning visited boat. Deck cover needs renewal. Afternoon at home and celebrating [[underline]] 37th anniversary of wedding.
Sunday Aug. 9. Cornelia [[/underline]] is back from [[underline]] Golden [[/underline]] and she and George came for luncheon. [[underline]] George Roll [[/underline]] is at camp. [[underline]] Celine [[/underline]] left this evening [[underline]] for camp. 
Aug 10. [[/underline]] Engaged a Norwegian American citizen ^[[Axel Peterson]] for sailor [[strikethrough]] Aug [[/strikethrough]] at $150. per month and [[strikethrough]] food if [[/strikethrough]] ^[[when]]  he is aboard boat. Sent draft 60 Guilders [[underline]] Miss Lobee [[/underline]] Batik Works Djokjakarta and $100 each to my two sisters [[strikethrough]] Warm weather but [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] Aug 11 [[/underline]] Dick Jim. Peterson and man of Reliance Motor Boat Co all busy renewing deck of ION
[[underline]] Aug 12. [[/underline]] Weather rather hot but not unpleasant
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[[underline]] ^[[Armand]] Denis [[/underline]] called. Has left Little is now with big weaving mill in Massachusetts as chemist
Took him home, for supper.
[[underline]] Aug 13. [[/underline]] Cooler. All men working on ION. [[underline]] Redman [[/underline]] arrives at office and gives me [[underline]][[strikethrough]] interview [[/strikethrough]] ^[[report]] [[/underline]] of his European trip
[[underline]] Aug 14 [[/underline]] All day at office. Jim & Peterson on [[underline]] ION. [[/underline]] Bought [[underline]] English Sextant (Octant.)   [[strikethrough]] fu [[/strikethrough]] built by Hughes & Co London. from U.S. Shipping Board for [[underline]] $20.00, [[/underline]] a bargain for a new instrument Also a [[underline]] watch chronometer [[/underline]] Elgin in gimbals for $25.00
[[left margin]][[underline]] ION [[/underline]][[/left margin]]
At 11:50 A.M. went to [[underline]] Life Extension Institute for  yearly examination [[/underline]] Sultry hot day
Aug 15. All day on ION supervising repairs and rigging. Tried Pram sail dinghy also outboard motor. Am in my old clothes and had a happy day of it
[[left margin]] ION [[/left margin]]