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Afternoon to office. Evening found Celine home. She leaves to night
[[underline]] Sept 11. [[/underline]] Another very sultry day. dick and Peterson still burning deck.
[[underline]] Sept 12 [[/underline]] Early [[underline]] off on ION. [[/underline]] See ION with Dick & Peterson
Sept 13. (Sunday). [[strikethrough]] Beautif [[/strikethrough]] On [[underline]] ION. [[/underline]] See log. Beautiful day spent all most entirely sailing in [[underline]] Pram Dinghy around shores of Croton Point Park [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Sept 14 [[/underline]] Rossi back. Got cash at bank. Busy day
[[underline]] Sept 15. [[/underline]] All day in office Dined with [[underline]] Henry Howard, Thompson and Cluett at New York Yacht Club. Howard gave us very interesting talk [[/underline]] about his cruise to Florida Cuba and Bahamas in his auxiliary ketch [[underline]] "Alice" [[/underline]] Delightful evening
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Sept 16. Discussed [[underline]] Layman's report about organisation [[/underline]] which he handed to me yesterday afternoon. Suggested some necessary changes before report is sent out to other members of Executive committee. Then find [[underline]] to my disgust [[/underline]] that [[underline]] George Roll [[/underline]] has already sent them out without consulting me and without giving me opportunity to discuss it first This will give me much trouble with [[underline]] Schleussner [[/underline]] and the discussion will raise a lot of issues which should better not be discussed because if I am compelled to do so it can hardly be done without hurting the feelings of [[underline]] Schleussner. When will George Roll stop blundering that way? [[/underline]] I have told him on former occasions to first submit