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Quiet night except for abominable fish [[underline]] fertilizer smell [[/underline]] from nearby factory.
First [[strikethrough]] Oct 27. [[/strikethrough]] Had to work in dark [[strikethrough]] bet [[/strikethrough]] on a [[underline]] stripped steering gear. [[/underline]] due to [[underline]] stupid [[/underline]] work [[underline]] of Floyd.[[/underline]] 
[[underline]] Oct. 27 Bright [[/underline]] and [[underline]] sunny [[/underline]] and well rested. Got telegrams from George and Celine.
Visit to Marine biological laboratory. [[underline]] Dr. Hillebrandt [[/underline]] away but Dr. [[underline]] Elmer Higgins [[/underline]] showed me around. [[strikethrough]] Experiments on biological [[/strikethrough]] Studies on the culture of [[underline]] scallops. [[/underline]] Also on [[underline]] terrapin breeding. [[/underline]]
Thousands of little [[underline]] terrapins hatched [[/underline]] out [[underline]] artificially [[/underline]] and kept in [[underline]] heated greenhouse [[/underline]] to escape one winters hibernation and thus [[underline]] gain one year in growth. [[/underline]] They are fed in [[underline]] chopped meat. [[/underline]] Very agile
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little youngsters. Afternoon while busy near docks taking in gasoline received visit of Dr. Waltes and [[underline]] Gardner [[/underline]] of Washington. [[underline]] Gardner is [[/underline]] doing work on [[underlined]] protective paints against teredo. [[/underline]] Says thus [[underline]] far phenolic resins [[/underline]] have [[underline]] shown best results.[[/underline]]
[[underline]] Oct 28 [[/underline]] Rain all night and more rain all day. Kept at anchor and [[strikethrough]] put some shape [[/strikethrough]] used day for adjusting throttle and putting electric wiring in proper shape. Busy day
[[underline]] Oct. 29 [[/underline]] Let out 6:30 A.M. for open sea stretch to [[underline]] Cape Fear. [[/underline]] Strong N.W. breeze. Used jib sail & engine. [[strikethrough]] Wind [[/strikethrough]] Bright and sunny. but afternoon wind shifts to [[underline]] NE. [[/underline]] becomes [[underline]] uglier [[/underline]] near [[underline]] Cape Fear. [[/underline]] Just made the buoys towards dark