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[[underline]] "Beaufort the new Miami"!
Nov 5. [[/underline]] Away early cloudy and gray again; then cleared up and when we dropt anchor before [[underline]] Thunderbolt x [[/underline]] [[left margin]] x Georgia [[/left margin]] at 2 P.M it was [[underline]] sunny [[/underline]] and [[underline]] mild. Elingren [[/underline]] and his [[underline]] boat yard [[/underline]] there. Many more fishermen and [[underline]] oyster [[/underline]] men than [[underline]] 9 years [[/underline]] ago, a [[underline]] new drawbridge [[/underline]] but much of the [[underline]] old shabbiness [[/underline]] left I shall [[underline]] leave [[/underline]] the [[underline]] ION here [[/underline]] in charge of Petersen and [[underline]] leave for New York to morrow. [[/underline]]  Wired accordingly to Yonkers
[[underline]] Nov. 6. [[/underline]] Up very early packing and writing out program for work for the 2 men during my absence. It is sunny and warm the [[underline]] first pleasant day since [[/underline]] I [[underline]] left New York [[/underline]] on this cruise.  Drove to Savanah for letters Everybody all right at home
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Wired my arrival. Train 2 hours late. Feel very hot with my heavy underwear. Gives me a chance to read many unread number of Saturday evening Post. [[underline]] [[strkethrough]] Arr [[/strikethrough]] Excellent night's sleep. [[/underline]]
[[left margin]] New York [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Nov. 7, 1925. [[/underline]] (Saturday)  Train arrives 3 P.M. 2 1/2 hours late.  Dick at the station. New automatic oil heating system works well. Feel very tired but well
[[underline]] Nov. 8, 1925. Spent early morning finishing my article on Bakelite for Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
Nov 9, 1925 [[/underline]] A strenuous day at office. Lunch at Century. A [[underline]] Russian [[/underline]] named [[underline]] Kolsack [[/underline]] there who wanted to meet ^[[Prof.]] [[underline]] Simhorvitch. x [[/underline]] Says is [[underline]] former Russian Naval Officer [[/underline]] and intends to [[underline]] take his sloop to Florida [[/underline]]