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much the same as [[underline]] nine years ago except [[/underline]] when I arrived at [[underline]] Lauderdale [[/underline]] where dredging and filling and land [[underline]] schemes have transformed everything so that I could not recognize [[/underline]] it. A [[underline]] jettied outlet  to the ocean has been [[/underline]] dredged. Latest charts of no use. Had to proceed by instinct and by  [[strikethrough]] slo [[/strikethrough]] sounding for channel. They seem to be planning an entire new city here at [[strikethrough]] New [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Deep River [[/underline]] Inlet. Lake Mabel, the former nightmare of shoals, well dredged then further on the [[underline]] much advertised land scheme of Hollywood. [[/underline]] Ponds have been and straightened. Endless [[underline]] Mosquito swamps [[/underline]] filled
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in. Streets have been lined out and plots all [[marked?]] and here and there some very old tall [[underline]] Coconut [[/underline]] Palms have been planted to [[underline]] relieve the monotonous flatness of it all. [[/underline]] Bunches of motor cars are grouped here and there and their passengers are [[underline]] gaping at the bare numbered lots "that are  going to make them rich!! [[/underline]] Not a house, not a vestige of cultivation except one large administration building. Thru street [[intersected?]] lots remind me of one of those gambling devices like checker boards or lottery or back gammon on a gigantic scale, where the gamblers put their stakes on certain numbered lots without any idea of building