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whose [[underline]] activity in yachting [[/underline]] consists mainly in [[underline]] signing [[/underline]] checks or their easy going crew, seem to abhore the idea of lying at anchor and have some privacy and be away from noise and dust and [[underline]] prefer being bunched one next to another with no privacy whatever [[/underline]] Went for anchor 1/2 mile farther South [[strikethrough]] per [[/strikethrough]] Took a taxicab to [[underline]] Coconut Grove [[/underline]] to find out how conditions are there. Shore drive with its pretty villas has not been spoiled. [[underline]]  Miami itself is pandemonium [[/underline]] everywhere buildings going up and every other shop a real estate office. [[strikethrough]] Crowded street on [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Streets congested [[/underline]] with motor car, and sidewalks with
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"hayseeds". Babbit-like looking crowd, slovenly attired all [[underline]] haggard looking. [[/underline]] No time for civilities neither in shops nor anywhere. [[underline]] "Hustle bustle [[/underline]] where can I make a next Dollar?" seems to be written on the face of everyone. Women ^ [insertion]]mostly [[/insertion]] all painted and [[underline]] and bobbed and bleached hair [[/underline]] real [[underline]] caricatures of womenhood. [[/underline]] With their red paint has become [[underline]] crimson or purple [[/underline]] and they evidently do not realize the [[underline]] clownish absurd caricature effect they produce and everyone [[/underline]] violently [[underline]] contracting their jaw while torturing a [[underline]] ball of chewing gum inside their crimson painted [[/underline]] mouth. [[strikethrough]] Ca [[/strikethrough]] Found Commodore [[underline]] Ralph Munroe [[/underline]] in his old workshop also Nathaniel
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