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[[underlined]] Jan 26 [[/underlined]] Cloudy light rain. in morning. Later clearing went out [[underlined]] in sail pram thru channel into Ocean at Cape Florida. [[/underlined]] ^[[Had]] Happy time wading thru flats at low tide. Soft bottom easy sinking. Studied [[underlined]] animal [[/underlined]] and plant life.
Returning wind had rain and was caught in rather choppy water of channel. [[underlined]] Pram behaved well and kept dry while I had all alone to claw against wind. [[/underlined]] Later as towards sunset when I had gained somewhat less turbulent water was able to set up [[underlined]] outboard motor [[/underlined]] and thus gained my anchorage about dark.
[[underlined]] Strenuous 2 or 3 hours. [[strikethrough]] and rather [[/strikethrough]] in [[underlined]] wet clothes [[/underlined]] after my wading
[[underlined]] Jan 26 Henry Howard [[/underlined]] arrived in "Ketch [[underlined]] Alice [[/underlined]] with Mrs. Howard
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his daughter and his Philipino cook Pedro. His daughter has a sprained ankle just hops along cheerfully.
Jan 27. Howards boat draws 4' and is aground so shifted my anchorage to give him deeper water A [[underlined]] marvelously beautiful evening [[/underlined]] full moon and not a ripple on the water. Went out skulling in the little [[underlined]] pram [[/underlined]] while everybody around is asleep.
Jan 28. Went out [[underlined]] early [[/underlined]] in [[underlined]] ION [[/underlined]] with [[underlined]] Howard [[/underlined]] under [[underlined]] square sail [[/underlined]] and mizzen. wind on the beam Along Easterly blowing after my return
Jan 29. Easterly increasing in force but this is an excellent anchorage for shallow draft boat altho' one seems to be exposed to full blast of Ocean the intervening shoals. flatten the [[underlined]] waves. [[/underlined]] During night violent tropical rain