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Large amounts of [[underline]] King fish, Mackerell, Baracuda ^[[Baracuda]] [[/underline]], grouper etc caught here and near
the shoals outside. 3 [[underline]] men brought in 1800 lbs. of kingfish. [[/underline]] 
This afternoon big Bonitas 4 & 5 feet long etc. All the time splendid, bracing dry weather, yet not interfering with swimming and letting ones bathing suit dry [[strikethrough]] on the [[/strikethrough]] while on. Excellent fish and stone crabs. This is a real rest and vacation. Another good anchorage amongst shoals near fish house (See log book)
[[underline]] Feb. 10 [[/underline]] Sailing in pram and trawling with squid. Strong westerly breeze. Anchored near fish-house
Feb 11. Still blowing
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Northerly gale all last night and to day.
Feb 12. Cold bright night, light northerly. This morning only 50°F. Yesterday bought [[underline]] 4 large lobsters at fish [[/underline]] house for 25 cents [[strikethrough]] each [[/strikethrough]] 
^[[each]] and 4 [[underline]] large stone crabs [[/underline]] for [[strikethrough]] 20 cents. [[/strikethrough]] 5 cents each. Potatoes however cost 10¢ a lb. 
Went for anchor ^[[off]] Long Key dock. Dr. [[underline]] Rosengarten [[/underline]] showed me his beautiful yacht Mariposa, built on good lines but spoiled as all Mathis boats by those ugly big square windows in the sides. Why does he not round off the corners somewhat or put more [[strikethrough]] port [[/strikethrough]] large portholes. The [[underline]] Mathis boats all look as if after they were built some murderous carpenter had come around [[/underline]]
[[strikethrough]] and saw [[/strikethrough]] with a hand saw