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to cut square windows in it. Yacht is 83-70 tons
80' o-a 75 l.w.l. 17' beam
8'2" depth - 3'9" draft
Went sailing in [[underline]] pram [/underline]]. Telegram from [[underline]] Celine that she is coming by steamer Feb 22. [[/underline]] 
Seven big houseboats arrived here today; all cast anchor all built same type ugly square windows floating arks, standardized in monotonous ugliness with as [[underline]] little individuality [[/underline]] as their owners. Sent telegram.
Feb 13. Left under [[underline]] square sail and mizzen [[/underline]] at 8:30 A.M. for [[strikethrough]] Bay Honda [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Bahia Honda. [[/underline]] 
After passing the first flats ran on S.B. tack. Light wind but pleasant sailing. Quiet restful, charming and not disturbed by noise of engine. Dropt anchor [[underline]] Bahia Honda [/underline]]
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at 4 P.M. One single sponger sloop near by. Went wading and exploring as usual.
Feb. 14. (Sunday) [[underline]] got acquainted [[/underline]] with crew of sponger nearby. The captain called [[underline]] "Captain John" [[/underline]] is a stalwart dark skinned dark-eyed fellow about 6 ft of commanding personality and wiry strong frame, multi-patched trousers, drooping black moustache, roman nose, hairy bare legs, short and quiet of talk who on my request went out in our dinghy to [[underline]] show me where to catch stone crabs, lobsters, and pink conch shells [[/underline]] and got me an [[underline]] abundance of each of [[/underline]] them in no time. Bought some excellent [[underline]] sponges; [[/underline]] all he asked was $1.00 and whether it was "too much?"