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[[underline]] consulting me. [[/underline]] Yet he [[underline]] never was willing to admit his mistake [[/underline]] thus far, altho' [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] he [[underline]] simply published what we wanted to keep secret as long as possible and this without necessity [[/underline]] in view of the fact that my former Bakelite paper patent protects us fully and has still several years to run. Now he refuses to see that [[underline]] all what Durez aim at is to run us into a trap and by [[/underline]] being able to advertise or spread the news that they are licensed by the Bakelite Corporation to obtain [[underline]] all the advantages [[/underline]] and [[underline]] prestige of Bakelite [[/underline]] Corporation at the same time causing intense dissatisfaction from the part of [[underline]] our [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] customers [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] who have no license. [[underline]] This shows the danger of letting lawyers or others [[/underline]] who lack a [[underline]] general acquaintance with our whole business situations reach conclusions on some branches of the business entrusted to them on which they happen to have specialized knowledge. [[/underline]] I [[underline]] regret Townsends attitude so much the more as he is a man whose friendship I value highly.[[/underline]] 
In the [[underline]] Durez [[/underline]] and the [[underline]] Seabury Hall - Radiofrequencies [[\underline]] matter his attitude is entirely contrary to [[underline]] that of myself, Schleussner, Sanford Brown - Swan, Redman, George Baekeland. [[/underline]]  I have not been able to consult [[underline]] Karpen [[/underline]] or [[underline]] Rossi [[/underline]] (both ill) but I have no doubt that