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[[underline]] and judgement in an enterprise created within his family and vastly different in tendencies and methods from the average hard-boiled business enterprise where money is everything. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] May 22. George looks better [[/underline]] and rested. At office most of day.
[[underline]] May 23 [[/underline]] (Sunday) I wanted a day of rest but [[underline]] Berliss [[/underline]] and lawyer [[underline]] Barnes [[/underline]] who is handling our case before the [[underline]] Tariff Commission [[/underline]] and who has obtained a temporary injunction [[underline]] against importers [[/underline]] of [[underline]] bakelite, [[/underline]] come [[underline]] to bother [[/underline]] me [[underline]] and want me to appear to morrow [[/underline]] to testify. I do [[underline]] not feel enthusiastic about their work nor its [[/underline]]
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purposes. They have stirred up an unnecessary hornets-nest for no real good purpose and much too late. They nagged me so much I promise to go. So I left this afternoon 
[[underline]] May 24 (Washington). [[/underline]] Hearing before [[underline]] Tariff Commission. [[/underline]] Things pan out just as I expected. Little [[underline]] Jewish [[/underline]] importers and their lawyer stirs up endless [[underline]] questions. [[/underline]] Want to know our costs of production, profits etc [[underline]] all things we want to avoid becoming public. [[/underline]] This [[underline]] whole trade of pipe stems, [[/underline]] and jewelry articles is such an insignificant part of our business and [[underline]] pays so little [[/underline]] and has such a [[underline]] narrow field [[/underline]] that the whole effort and its [[underline]] tremendous [[/underline]] expenses are out of proportion. [[underline]] Furthermore [[/underline]]