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project would degenerate in a limping lame institution or a method for funding sinecures for old naval officers. [[strikethrough]] On the contrary the [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Every one of our recommendations has been followed litterally [[/underline]] for instance the institution is [[underline]] out of the usual red tape of the Navy by being in direct charge of the assistant secretary of the Navy; is out of the political wrangles of Congress by not being under the Naval Committees [[/underline]] but under the [[underline]] Ways and Means [[\underline]] Committee, etc. etc.  Various departments of the Navy and [[underline]] even the Army [[/underline]] have [[underline]] submitted [[strikethrough]] subjects to the Naval [[/strikethrough]] problems to the Naval Research Laboratory [[/underline]] and are lending support
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in the matter of appropriations. [[underline]] Oberlen [[/underline]] tells me this years budget is about [[underline]] $400000 [[/underline]] which is much better than any of us dared expect.  
Redman, George B. and others of our staff are again in Washington for the resumed hearings of the [[underline]] Tariff Commission [[/underline]] in regard to embargo on [[underline]] foreign imported bakelite. [[/underline]] This gave me opportunity of talking over pending business matters with [[underline]] Redman. 
Barnes [[/underline]] also there and with [[underline]] Geo. B. [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Redman [[/underline]] we had supper at Cosmos Club. Left with night train.
[[underline]] June 10. [[/underline]] All [[underline]] day at office. [[/underline]] Evening dinner (at Yale Club) of [[underline]] Cruising Club [[/underline]] to welcome [[underline]] Commodore Martin [[/underline]] and his friend who have come over from England in his cutter [[underline]] "Jolie Brise" [[/underline]]
June 11. At office all day. [[underline]] Geo. B [[/underline]] still in Washington