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and [[underline]] walk in Palisade Park across our house. [[/underline]] Few tenters or visitors. [[underline]] Delightful spot unfrequented in such days. [[/underline]]
July 22. Very hot. Drove to New York then to University Club.  [[underline]] Thermometer [[/underline]] outside in the shade on the street makes [[underline]] 102°F. [[/underline]] 
Took Mr [[underline]] George Peet, Robert Bridges and Dr Hutchinson to Yonkers for supper. [[/underline]] Very hot but dry wind. Later on about 8 P.M sudden windstorm and cooling Westerly breeze brings relief.
[[underline]] July 23 [[/underline]] Remained home [[underline]] went out sailing. [[/underline]] Cooler weather.
[[underline]] July 24. Went out sailing. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] July 25 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Home. [[underline]] Celine in Adirondacks [[/underline]]
[[underline]] July 26. [[/underline]] At office. Supper at UC Cool weather
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[[underline]] July 27. [[/underline]] Cool. Out in sailboat
[[underline]] July 28. [[/underline]] Dr. Charles R. Reese ^[[Reese]] at office. ^[[insertion]] of Dupont Co [[/insertion]] He has been [[underline]] disgusted [[/underline]] with [[underline]] Dr. Olsen's [[/underline]] lack of tact and [[underline]] manners in England at the meeting of the A.I.C.E. [[/underline]] there.
[[underline]] July 29. [[/underline]] At office
[[underline]] July 30. [[/underline]] Went to meet Mr. Robert [[underline]] Bonynge, Commissioner of Mixed Claims Commission.[[/underline]] Explained [[underline]] him my situation in regard to Bakelite Gesellschaft and [[/underline]] that it would be advisable to let [[underline]] matter rest for a couple of months when I hoped to be able to force them to an acceptable settlement. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] July 31. [[/underline]] Beautiful day. Drove to [[underline]] New Rochelle Yacht [[/underline]] Club where had lunch and applied for [[underline]] membership [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Aug 1. [[/underline]] 1926 (Sunday). Cloudy