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All left on further trip. I went for a nights needed sleep to hotel.
[[underline]] Sept 17 [[/underline]] Left at about 11 AM for New York. Then all afternoon at office. [[underline]] Celine much better. [[/underline]] Still in Camp. [[underline]] Orders increasing. [[/underline]] Then home. 
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Sept 18. [[/underline]] All day at office clearing up [[/strikethrough]] Had long long talk with [[underline]] Lowe [[/underline]] who is just back from Chicago and [[underline]] makes favorable report of general situation there. Rossi [[/underline]] still [[underline]] away recuperating; [[/underline]] so on information obtained from [[underline]] Lowe gave him to carry out several orders immediately so as to stop deficiencies in [[/underline]] our present manufacturing [[underline]] department. [[/underline]]
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Tells me several [[strikethrough]] things [[/strikethrough]] conditions never [[underline]] brought to my attention [[/underline]] and of which neither [[underline]] Rossi [[/underline]] nor [[underline]] Shrimpe nor anybody seems to be aware here all due to lack of contact of Rossi's department with Chicago. For instance [[/underline]] it had been told to me that Perth Amboy cannot manufacture No.15 because we do not possess equipment of [[underline]] Kneaders, [[/underline]] mixers etc. [[underline]] while Lowe reports that this very equipment has been done away with in Chicago [[/underline]] and the regular roller equipment they are using now is much better [[strikethrough]] Sept [[/strikethrough]] Shall go over all this with [[underline]] Redman [[/underline]] & [[underline]] Lowe [[/underline]] Monday morning
[[underline]] Sept 18 [[/underline]]  All day at office