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Told to [[underlined]] Bishop [[/underlined]] did not want to discuss his offer before submitting it to our directors immediately after my return. But [[underlined]] I knew such a salary would be out of proportion as to what Damard could bear first year. Furthermore [[/underlined]] would be out of proportion to salary of [[underlined]] Potter [[/underlined]] and services of [[underlined]] Potter [[/underlined]] and would furthermore be a [[underlined]] slight to Potter. [[/underlined]] Only way would be give Bishop's services part time to Bakelite Corporation keeping in frequent touch with Berlin, Paris etc. and ^[[Damard]] pay him less than [[underlined]] Potter [[/underlined]] in view of part time services and American Bakelite paying him an extra salary. [[underlined]] But all this had to be discussed in New York. [[/underlined]] I suggested that he [[underlined]] should continue his private business as heretofore [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] as lon until [[/strikethrough]] and work on part time for new company. But he [[underlined]] rejected [[/underlined]] my [[strikethrough]] eff [[/strikethrough]] offer
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[[underlined]] All this is exactly what I feared two years ago and as I predicted at the time, Bishop has an exagerated idea of his services [[/underlined]] in comparison to Potter. 
This discussion was all carried on in a very friendly way but I [[underlined]] feel rather disappointed at the new situation [[/underlined]] which has arisen at this critical moment. Feel [[underlined]] tired and disgusted after a strenuous day. [[/underlined]] - [[strikethrough]] So [[/strikethrough]] and so to bed!
[[underlined]] Nov. 30. [[/underlined]] Wrote [[underlined]] long letter to George Baekeland [[/underlined]] advising of situation which has arisen with [[underlined]] Bishop. [[/underlined]] Then went to see [[underlined]] Potter & Kingsbury [[/underlined]] told them about it without mentioning amount of salary 
Told them [[underlined]] my thoughts [[/underlined]] which coincide entirely with those of [[underlined]] Kingsbury. [[/underlined]] After questioning them about present staff and management, [[underlined]] Potter [[/underlined]] and