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[[underlined]] mixture [[/underlined]] Numbers 15 & 420 which at present are furnished by [[underlined]] Redmanol. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Dec 10 [[/underlined]]  Went to French Line to engage room (No 250, Deck B) on SS. Paris leaving Havre on Dec. 15. Drew $150. on letter of credit (at Am. Express Co.) in francs.
[[underlined]] Surcouf [[/underlined]] came to see me in hotel at 9:30 AM. Interrogated him on French situation. Dense [[underlined]] dark cloud fog over Paris. Street lamps all have to be lit same in hotel. [[/underlined]] Then all electric [[underlined]] lights went out two or three [[/underlined]] times in succession all over Paris. [[underlined]] As dark as night [[/underlined]] and all motor cars and busses carry lamps and [[underlined]] contrary to London keep on touting their horns [[/underlined]] The fog is different from London it is merely a [[underlined]] very dark overhanging cloud, [[/underlined]] screening the sky but leaving horizon-
[[left margin]] Dense darkness in Paris [[/left margin]]
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tal visibility as long as there was electric light. Reminds me of the last sun-eclipse in New York but [[underlined]] it lasted all day. Surcouf [[/underlined]] left at 11 AM, thus far his information is very [[underlined]] encouraging. Mines de Bethune [[/underlined]] seem much more desirable partners [[underlined]] than Pinchon & Johnson in London. [[/underlined]] 
At 12:30, luncheon at Restaurant La Rue. Present, Mr & Mrs. [[underlined]] Surcouf., [[/underlined]] Mr. Lucien [[underlined]] Mercier, [[/underlined]] (who wears the silver crossed rosette ^[[commander]] of the Legion of Honor) and is the [[underlined]] President of la Société des Mines de Bethune [[/underlined]] he sits on my left. Is a pleasantly mannered white haired gentleman, with keen dark flashing eyes, slender and quick witted and makes an excellent impression. Mr [[underlined]] Delplanque, [[/underlined]] whom I have met before (3 years ago at La Valette) one of the original