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Awbishlats Southwest London
His home telegraph address is "Bishop, Paddington 1036 London"
[[strikethrough]] Went for Lunche [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] La Roche [[/underlined]] came to [[underlined]] fetch [[/underlined]] me for [[underlined]] luncheon [[/underlined]] in his car. His flat comes out on [[underlined]] Parc Monceau. [[/underlined]] He was all alone. says his wife is ill; has the grippe. [[strikethrough]] spent [[/strikthrough]] remained there till about [[underlined]] 3 P.M. [[/underlined]] Very [[underlined]] friendly talk [[/underlined]] about old times etc.. He asks me [[underlined]] whether he should sell his stock in Bakelite or keep it. [[/underlined]] Never has received dividends thus far. Told him if he wants to sell it I am ready to buy it and [[strikethrough]] explained [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] repeated [[/underlined]] to him [[underlined]] my conversation this morning [[/underlined]] with [[underlined]] Surcouf. [[/underlined]] To the latter I had told our net earnings of over [[underlined]] $3000000 [[/underlined]] last year
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The story of Bakelite enterprise in U.S. Also my side of the story of [[underlined]] Rutgerswerke [[/underlined]] and Bakelite Gesellschaft, and [[underlined]] Damard [[/underlined]] and British [[underlined]] Redmanol [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Moldensite. [[/underlined]] Explained Sucouf, our Damard contract, [[underlined]] Japanese [[/underlined]] contract and [[underlined]] German [[/underlined]] contract which was about to be signed except for a difference of opinion in the paragraph. regulatory payment for new inventions. Gave him:
1/ Copy of original program stipulating main points of contract with Damard as written last winter [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] on board ION and which becomes the base of the present agreement
2/ [[underlined]] Copy of British [[/underlined]] agreement which is signed
3/ [[underlined]] Copy of German agreement [[/underlined]] ready for our signature.
Told him provided my visit to [[underlined]] Bethune [[/underlined]] and their Bakelite