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[[underlined]] important coal mine system [[\underlined]] but is an organisation which is made up of a large number of [[underlined]] skilled engineers [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] chemists [[\underlined]] so that the bye-products coke, tar, chemicals, nelplate of anmonia, phenol cresol ethylalcohol, methylalcohol etc. make it a first class chemical plant with excellent staff and organisation.
[[underlined]] Valette [[\underlined]] tells me they are [[underlined]] preparing designs [[\underlined]] etc for making [[underlined]] formaldehyde [[\underlined]] but have not started yet.  He thought better to wait until he has had the benefit of our experience after consolidation.
During the morning we stopped at the [[underlined]] Biebiere plant, [[\underlined]] where [[underlined]] Bakelite resins [[\underlined]] are made.  They make [[underlined]] 4 tons [[\underlined]] (metric) resin daily one shift.  A new compact well built
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factory building has been erected on the yard of an old beet sugar plant.  The [[underlined]] digesters [[\underlined]] are not only [[underlined]] well and neatly designed [[\underlined]] but very well kept brass and bronze in shining condition.  Fireproof building light steel frame filled in with brick.  Only [[underlined]] very few workmen [[\underlined]] one man supervising the two kettles.  (See photographic reproduction in published pamphlet of La Bakelite)  Their [[underlined]] intention is to move the whole outfit to the near the chemical buildings [[\underlined]] of les [[underlined]] Mines de Bethune, [[\underlined]] thus being nearer to R.R. raw materials chemical laboratory, testing laboratories etc.
They tell me they can easily sell the present property and building at an advantageous price.  There is a [[underlined]] canal [[\underlined]] alongside where [[underlined]] canal boats [[\underlined]]