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[[left margin]] Madame Blavatsky [[\left margin]]
in [[underlined]] house of Madame Blavatsky founder of Theosophy, [[\underlined]] with brass plate indicating the gift and originator.  I do [[underlined]] not mind her theosophical and mystic tendencies, [[\underlined]] which [[underlined]] are due to lack of positive knowledge of facts. [[\underlined]]  But what I [[underlined]] fear [[\underlined]] is that [[underlined]] she is being handled adroitly [[\underlined]] by a [[underlined]] bunch of imposters [[\underlined]] who since that early arch-imposter [[underlined]] Mad. Blavatsky, [[\underlined]] have [[underlined]] always tried to exploit the credulity of their followers who had money and on whom they thrived. [[\underlined]]  Very [[underlined]] probably Celine does not know the story of the life of Madame Blavatsky [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] her entourage. [[\underlined]]  Her maiden name was [[underlined]] Helena Hahn, she ran away or was divorced from her husband Blavatsky, then led a wild [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] notoriously especial existence until she was entering middle age and her youth and beauty [[\underlined]]
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[[left margin]] Madame Blavatsky [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]] she exploited were no longer available [[\underlined]] and the [[underlined]] reputation she had acquired [[\underlined]] in the [[underlined]] mean time removed [[\underlined]] her [[underlined]] from decent society.  Afterwards [[\underlined]] she [[underlined]] appeared [[\underlined]] in [[underlined]] the U.S. [[\underlined]] where nobody knew her and where her [[underlined]] notorious name Blavatsky [[\underlined]] of former [[underlined]] wild years was not against [[\underlined]] her, and [[underlined]] formed a group of spiritualists, mediums, fakers exploiters [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] mountebanks [[\underlined]] and where she was acclaimed as [[underlined]] the Great mystic Russian "Countess", [[\underlined]] and began to write on [[underlined]] Mystic [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] spiritualistic [[\underlined]] subjects, taking good care that in [[underlined]] Russia [[\underlined]] her [[underlined]] writings should appear [[\underlined]] under a [[underlined]] pseudonym. [[\underlined]]  See [[underlined]] Encyclopaedia Britannica - Blavatsky) [[\underlined]]  It is an interesting [[underlined]] coincidence [[\underlined]] that all these [[underlined]] high priestesses of mysticism, ordinarily start with a much neglected religion in their youth [[\underlined]] and