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[[underlined]] talking loud all the time with a nasal voice as a parrot. How vulgar some of those women can be. What savages dressed in latest style pretentious and unaware of their utter moron vulgarity. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 14. [[/underlined]] Train well on time.  
[[left margin]] Telegrams X [[/left margin]]
I had [[underlined]] sealed my registered valise. Find seals have been broken. [[/underlined]] Same old story since [[underlined]] Volstead act, [[/underlined]] baggage men have been encouraged [[underlined]] opening luggage so as to steal liquors. [[/underlined]] None in my valise. Do not know whether they stole anything else. Found [[underlined]] ION in excellent condition, [[/underlined]] clean, well painted, well rigged and everything in order. Was so satisfied that I paid Petersen his return ticket, ^[[50$]] after I had made him acknowledge he was not entitled to it. [[underlined]] Ion [[/underlined]] tied to quiet wharf [[strikethrough]] nea [[/strikethrough]] at
[[end page]]
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Tracy's Yard. At 2 P.M came Charles [[underlined]] Turner, [[/underlined]] well recommended by [[strikethrough]] Tracy [[/strikethrough]] Munroe He [[strikethrough]] seems [[/strikethrough]] is unacquainted with sails but has served as engineer Wants $200 and expenses. Then came J.E. Brown who made unfavorable impression. Tracy told me latter is a dope fiend and [[underlined]] Turner a conceited ass, [[/underlined]] who knows everything better. Still want to see William Knudsen recommended by him. Petersen left this afternoon. [[underlined]] Am glad to be alone on the ION. [[/underlined]] Very warm, sultry. A few mosquitoes. [[underlined]] Inland is undoubtedly much warmer than at anchor near shore. [[/underlined]] Night moderately warm. But even 70°F feels warm when damp.
[[underlined]] February 15. [[/underlined]] Went to [[underlined]] Miami. [[/underlined]] Very much quietened down. Most [[underlined]] Real Estate Agents gone. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Much more pleasant [[/strikethrough]]