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Streets and hotels and stores no longer so unpleasantly crowded as last year.  Many trees of [[underlined]] hurricane [[\underlined]] everywhere.  Vegetation seems denuded.  Fine row of Australian pines leading to Royal Palm Hotel all branches cut, [[underlined]] look very bare.  Many Coconut Palms [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] Royal Palms seem [[\underlined]] unhurt, but [[underlined]] many destroyed. [[\underlined]]  Some parts look very bare.  New [[underlined]] harbor no longer congested.  No sail vessels [[\underlined]] where [[underlined]] last [[\underlined]] year there was a [[underlined]] forest of masts.  Fewer Yachts, [[\underlined]] several of them half submerged.  Some of them [[underlined]] still on the waterfront Park where the high water had driven them. [[\underlined]]  Very warm and unpleasant on the white glittering, unshaded road.  Afternoon went to [[underlined]] Coconut Grove [[\underlined]] where met [[underlined]] Commodore [[\underlined]]
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[[underlined]] Munroe, Nathanial Herreshof [[\underlined]] young [[underlined]] Wirth Munroe [[\underlined]] etc.  Old [[underlined]] workshop had been destroyed [[\underlined]] but [[underlined]] new one same design [[\underlined]] has been built.  Nat. [[underlined]] Herreshoff's Bungalow also destroyed [[\underlined]] but new one has been built.  [[underlined]] Most Palm trees down [[\underlined]] but quite some left.  [[underlined]] Place formerly so green looks bare. [[\underlined]]  Hearty welcome from all.  Place near by [[underlined]] (former Camp Biscayne) [[\underlined]] has now large extended bulk headed water front.  New channel dredged from [[underlined]] Dinner [[\underlined]] key.  [[underlined]] Old Club house [[\underlined]] vanished.  Old [[underlined]] ports [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] marshes [[\underlined]] gone also old slatted beacon.  [[underlined]] Shall have to learn new channel.  No other yachts [[\underlined]] there outside of Munroe's and Herreshoff yachts.  A warm day.  Somewhat cooler at night