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noon.  Glad he is gone.  Charles [[underlined]] Turner [[\underlined]] arrived 3 P.M.  Letter from Celine at Western Union from [[underlined]] Bombay. [[\underlined]]  Am glad to hear [[underlined]] she enjoyed [[\underlined]] her [[underlined]] trip to Egypt so much. [[\underlined]]
[[underlined]] March 14. [[\underlined]]  Early start [[symbol for north]] via [[underlined]] Gulf of Mexico. [[\underlined]]  Headwinds.  Dropt anchor, before [[underlined]] Bamboo Key, [[\underlined]] of charming remembrances of last year when I was there with Celine.  Mused on deck until after dark.  [[underlined]] Quiet picturesque spot with that lone coconut palm [[\underlined]] and the [[underlined]] concert [[\underlined]] of [[underlined]] singing birds [[\underlined]] at sunset and sunrise.
[[underlined]] March 15 [[\underlined]]  Early  start, fine weather.  Had some trouble with [[underlined]] leak [[\underlined]] near [[underlined]] end [[\underlined]] of [[underlined]] exhaust pipe [[\underlined]] and stopped [[underlined]] 2 hours at anchor behind Island near Rock Harbor. [[\underlined]]  Dropt anchor before Sunset S of [[underlined]] Arsenicker Key [[\underlined]] reef near end
[[underlined]] March 16. [[\underlined]]  I must get to
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Coconut Grove [[underlined]] so as to keep [[\underlined]] in touch [[underlined]] with George during tomorrows Director's meeting. [[\underlined]]  Started early dropt anchor Coconut Grove at 10 AM, near [[underlined]] "Alice", [[\underlined]] of [[underlined]] Henry Howard. [[\underlined]]  He and Mr & Miss H. aboard back from Bahamas.  Found registered letter containing Bye laws and report of stockholders meeting of [[underlined]] Bakelite Gesellschaft, [[\underlined]] but [[underlined]] no French By laws. [[\underlined]]  Wired to George about my arrival and expect keep in touch with him here.
[[underlined]] Mar 17. [[\underlined]]  Early morning started studying [[underlined]] German documents [[\underlined]] and proposed amendements [[underlined]] find nothing objectionable [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] wired [[\underlined]] so to George Baekeland. 
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He wires back they are objectionable and [[underlined]] intend to send Rossi to Germany. [[\underlined]]  I answer that amendements in bylaws are probably necessary in view of [[underlined]] German corporation law [[\underlined]] but that their