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[[underline]] April 16. [[/underline]]
Early packing while [[underline]] Pattison is cleaning and has already changed the whole inside looks of Avocet. - Cabins orderly. Beds fresh linen etc.
Day before yesterday ^[[I]] [[underlined]] killed a small snake [[/underline]] which crawled along on deck of [[underline]] Avocet. [[/underline]] Am told got aboard [[underline]] along rope. [[/underline]]
Went to Bank to get $700 and paid $65 for my RR. ticket etc. Paid [[underline]] $200 cash to Pattison [[/underline]] in advance and [[underline]] $200 in advance to Wirth Munroe [[/underline]]  
Mr. [[strikethrough]] Martin [[/strikethrough]] 
^[[Mitchell]] [[/underline]] visited me on afternoon o/b Avocet to talk real Estate but I talked about [[underline]] everything else [[/underline]] but real estate
Left at about 9 P.M with train for New York. Very pleasant temperature. Car not crowded pleasant travel.
[[underline]] April 17. Sunday. [[/underline]] Stopped about 2 hours Jacksonville. Large new station. Pleasant weather
Woods are all green. Large
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number of white waterlilies on all streams and ponds everywhere. Spring is here in Georgia and North Carolina
[[underline]] April 18. [[/underline]] Awakened near Washington. Decidedly cooler here, and only here and there some green buds on trees. What a change! Underwear on. Feels good. [[underline]] Arrive New York 1:30 P.M Train one hour late. [[/underline]] Telephone message from [[underline]] George [[/underline]] this Dick [[underline]] Hamman desires see me before he leaves [[/underline]] Drove to his office was not there and [[underline]] leaves to night for Europe
Saw [[underline]] Schleussner. He says there is no hurry at all [[/underline]] and we can talk over [[underline]] matter of sale of their stock some other time. Says they have great scheme in partnership with Dupont to make synthetic ammonia, and synthetic methanol hence need money. [[/underline]] Then to office where [[underline]] remained till 6 P.M. [[/underline]] attacking belated work [[underline]] Rossi is in Germany, Swan to leave next Saturday for Europe [[/underline]]