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[[underline]] George Baekeland [[/underline]] told us he does not like his fellow directors in the [[underline]] Trinidad [[/underline]] oil company and as he and [[underline]] Warfield [[/underline]] object to their ethics and tactics, [[underline]] both have sold their stock and resigned. George Baekeland [[/underline]] made a good profit nevertheless. 
[[underline]] May 4. [[/underline]] All morning at office. Went home afternoon and with [[underline]] Dick & Jim bottled the wine for my turtle dinner [[/underline]] to be given on May 10 [[underline]] at University Club. [[/underline]]
My bank reports a balance of $89,935.75
Evening went to [[underline]] Century Club where Dr. Alexis Carrel [[/underline]] gave us a lecture on [[underline]] "Life outside the body" [[/underline]] Illustrated by very amazing moving pictures of growing cells. 
[[underline]] May 5 [[/underline]] Wired to Pattison and [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] Warwick [[/underline]] that the latter should give the former permit to proceed with [[underline]] Avocet [[/underline]]
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Long conference with Redman, Lowe and George B. on several pending subjects.
[[strikethrough]] George B. at home Snug Rock[[/strikethrough]] Geo Roll and Nina at Snug Rock" for supper
[[underline]] May 6. [[/underline]] Another very busy day at office. Evening spoke at the [[underline]] dinner of the Graduating Class of the Department of Engineering of Columbia [[/underline]] Spoke on the [[strikethrough]] Future Opportu [[/strikethrough]] Newer and better opportunities of the Engineer". Very well received
Home at 12:30 AM
[[underline]] May 7. [[/underline]] All morning at office. Evening Monthly dinner at Century Club, very well attended
A parody cinema picture, excellent and witty
[[underline]] May 8 [[/underline]] (Sunday)
[[underline]] Celine arrives today at San Francisco. [[\underline]] Very busy day all alone. Busy till 11 PM. with various urgent work.
[[underline]] May 9. [[underline]] All day at office. [[underline]] Feel very nervous and hunted and easily tired. My heart [[/underline]]