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May 16. 1927 Monday. Lunch Chemists Club all [[underlined]] old presidents [[/underlined]] to confer with Dr. [[underlined]] Wagner [[/underlined]] President on future policy. Decided to elect distinguished chemist to honor by a dinner. Unanimous first choice: [[underlined]] Dr. Edward Weston. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] May 17 [[/underlined]] All day at office
[[underlined]] May 18. [[/underlined]] Ditto.
[[underlined]] May 19. [[/underlined]] Karpen at office. Told him about restless situation at [[underlined]] R & H. [[/underlined]] and that they probably will try to sell their stock if not to B. Corp. then to outsiders.
[[underlined]] May 20 [[/underlined]] All day at office
[[underlined]] May 21 Karpen [[/underlined]] left at noon Evening Beefsteak dinner at [[underlined]] Larchmont Yacht Club [[/underlined]] with [[underlined]] Pope [[/underlined]]and [[underlined]] George Baekeland. Lindbergh's airplane flight to Paris [[/underlined]] was announced during dinner and was much acclaimed.