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for luncheon at University Club.
[[underline]] June 9 [[/underline]] Stayed home loose bowels.
[[underline]] June 10 [[/underline]] Became member [[underline]] Larchmont Yacht [[/underline]] Club Long conference with Hays at office about [[underline]] domicile [[/underline]] in [[underline]] Florida [[/underline]], will, inheritance taxes and trust agreement for ^ [[my]] Bakelite stock.
[[underline]] June 11. [[/underline]] At office morning Home afternoon. Later drove with Celine to New Rochelle Y.C. then to [[underline]] Larchmont [[/underline]] Y.C. magnificent weather.
[[underline]] June 12 Sunday[[/underline]] Clear deed of [[underline]] Florida estate is procured [[/underline]] for tomorrow. So shall have to pay [[underline]] $90000 balance [[/underline]] [[strikeout]] my [[/strikeout]] My cash balance at the bank is now:
[[left margin]] The Anchorage [[/left margin]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Cash Balance June 11 = 58837
Shall have to pay:
June 15. Income tax = [[strikeout]] 18894 2 installment [/strikeout]]
2nd installment =               13894
Balance Florida = [[underline]] 90000 [[/underline]]
Tax Celine        [[underline]]  3000 [[/underline]]
                       total   106894
       Add 55000 borrowed = [[underline]]    55000 [[/underline]]
                           total at hand    113837
                              [[underline]] 106894 [[/underline]]
                        Balance disposable  = 6943
      June 15 Coupons 8000 due.[[underline]]  8000 [[/underline]]
Till Oct 1. shall have 
about [[underline]] $19000 [[/underline]] in all.
[[underline]] June 13. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Rain all day. Rossi wires from Paris that French situation is very much entangled and [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikhrough]] should not make decision until after his return [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] Lindbergh [[/underline]] reception in [[underline]] New York [[/underline]]. Beautiful weather. Exchange closed