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Landscape green and fields well cultivated.  Woods and everything looks much more cheerful than in winter. Temperature gradually rising until [[underline]] 90°F [[/ underline]] in Club car. At [[underline]] Jacksonville [[/underline]] train [[underline]] stopped 20 min. [[/underline]] and there was a strong cooling breeze blowing. Station seems very empty as compared to winter season.
[[underline]] July 7 [[/underline]][[strikeout]] Last [[/strikeout]] Early this morning our [[underline]] sleeping car [[/underline]] was [[underline]] sidetracked [[/underline]]  - quiet spot. So at about 7 [[strikeout]] P. [[/strikeout]] AM we drove to [[underline]] McAllister Hotel [[/underline]] one of the few open in summer. Good strong [[strikeout]] breeze [[/strikeout]] [[underline]] sea-breeze blowing [[/underline]] otherwise thermometer went as high as [[underline]] 87°F. [[/underline]] Streets [[underline]] more pleasant than in winter time. [[blue underline]] Quite a [[underline]] large [[/underline]] number of [[underline]] motorcars [[/underline]] in the streets, but no congestion

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as in winter-season. Charge for double corner room and bath [[underline]] 6$ per day for both. [[/underline]]. Celine and myself [[underline]] hired motor car [[/underline]] to tour property in [[underline]] Coconut Grove [[/underline]] Everything is in pretty good condition except that for 2 months there has been no rain. There is a negro [[underline]] Curtis McLeod [[/underline]] who has been employed on half time at 40$ a month for garden work by [[underline]] Major Given (Bryan's son in law) [[/underline]] who is raking and cleaning up.  [[underline]] Pierce [[/underline]] and his wife (formerly a Canadian nurse) and his two small blond haired boys lives in the servant quarters [[underline]] converted to the garage. [[/underline]]  He has a job as road supervisor of the County and hails [[underline]] from Boston [[/underline]] and has acted as caretaker for the [[underline]] Bryan estate. [[/underline]]