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living rent free. - Clean people. [[underline]] In one of the rooms of the main house lives a Miss Barret [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] an English trained nurse. Bryan furniture [[/underline]] is heavy [[underline]] and clumsy and cheerless. [[/underline]] So there is no inducement for buying it. Told them they could leave the furniture in till [[underline]] Mrs. Owen [[/underline]] ^[[X]] returns from her Chautauqua Lectures in September and that in the mean time [[strikethrough]] they were welcome to [[/strikethrough]] the Pierces and Miss Bartlett were welcome to stay until we arrived [[underline]] Windmill vanes had been blown away by hurricane. [[/underline]] Ozanne and McGrudder will replace them and estimate cost about $175. [[/underline]] Also ordered them to put the [[underline]] electric pumps of pressure ground [[/underline]]
[[left margin]] X Bryan's daughter [[/left margin]]  
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tanks in good order so as to provide us with water. Also to add a T connection and valve at inlet of [[underline]] swimming tank [[/underline]] so that it may act as an overflow and can be used for irrigation. I note with pleasure that the [[underline]] mango, avocado and grapefruit trees all are excellent varieties. [[/underline]] 
Engaged [[underline]] Curtis McLeod [[/underline]] who lives 3373 Charles Avenue Coconut Grove) full time at $75.00 a month. 
Swimming tank is 20'x 42' has just been emptied and cleaned. 
The whole house is in excellent and clean condition. Celine seems enchanted with it. 5 comfortable bed rooms besides 2 tub baths and 2 shower baths, etc. Everything bright and