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cheerful, substantially built and [[underline]] not pretentious. [[/underline]] Spent all morning [[strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] mak [[/strikethrough]] taking  [[underline]] measurements [[/underlined]] with Celine. So as to have dimensions of rooms.  The [[underline]] servant quarters are entirely in garage building [[/underline]] where they are provided with W.C. and [[underline]] shower baths both [[/underline]] on ground floor and upper floor.  House [[underline]] grounds [[/underline]] need to be put in shape overgrown in patches by tall grass and weeds.  Double row of [[underline]] Royal Palms in excellent condition except for fallen trees.  But one was destroyed by Hurricane [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] McLeod [[/strikethrough]] The Negro tells me [[underline]] water during the hurricane did not [[strikethrough]] rose [[/strikethrough]] rise beyond the Bamboo [[/underline]]

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bushes which are situated near the Royal Palms nearest to the house.  [[strikethrough]] To the South is the former a spleno but Southern [[/strikethrough]] Our neighbor on the [[underline]] South (former Brindley Estate) is a sumptuous Spanish Style house and beautiful gardens [[/underline]] well kept.  Our neighbor to the North is [[underline]] Harry Black who has done nothing to his estate and leaves it wild and overgrown with every [[/underline]] variety of plants.  Harry Black.  The [[underline]] Bryan Memorial Church stands unfinished and raw and nobody around and seems to be in financial trouble since the death of Bryan.  [[/underline]] Had [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] short visit of [[underline]] Dr. Wetherspoon [[/underline]] who is at the head and who was