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[[underline]] accompanied by two men in shirt sleeves one whose face reminded me very much of Bryans earlier photographs. [[/underline]] They tell me the [[underline]] death of Bryan left them all with heavy debts on the church. etc. [[/underline]] Afternoon Mrs. [[underline]] Pierce and Napier of Thomas Co. took us out driving to inspect the different places of our neighbors [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] who all are absent. except Commodore Munroe and his wife. [[/underline]] He is building several [[underline]] extensions to his house. A very interesting day altho' hot. [[/underline]] 
Day finished with a very welcome heavy [[underline]] rain shower. [[/underline]] While sheltering below the [[underline]] bamboo bush I noticed hundreds of land crabs coming out of their holes [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] July 8 [[/underline]] Went early to Coconut Grove. - Made more photos and more measurements [[strikethrough]] Af [[/strikethrough]] More thundershowers very welcome. Afternoon drove to [[underline]] Tracy's [[/underline]] Yacht yard to see [[underline]] ION [[/underline]] which seems well sheltered. The [[strikethrough]] Mo [[/strikethrough]] Photo shows ^[[(Movies)]] in Miami are refrigerated as in New York. A very welcome resting place in such hot weather (85˚F) There is always an [[underline]] excellent sea breeze [[/underline]] blowing and the nights are cool. 
[[underline]] July 9. Preparing to leave to night. [[/underline]] Went motoring all morning to newly built up district along [[underline]] Miami Beach etc Then the newly built Islands extending in the [[/underline]] upper bay and reached from the Cause way. [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]]