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All well developed. [[underline]] Amazing [[/underline]] to see that [[underline]] "Indian Creek" where only a few years ago I saw two large crocodiles [[/underline]] jump out of the jungle [[underline]] is [[strikethrough]] now a [[/strikethrough]] now a dredged [[strikethrough]] well [[/strikethrough]] canal with stone shores and on both sides lovely villas, [[/underline]] drive ways and well kept [[underline]] gardens and not a trace left of the former jungle. [[/underline]] Afternoon drove again to our house. Told [[underline]] Pierce [[/underline]] ^[[of the Real Estate firm]] [[strikethrough]] (or Pearson?) [[/strikethrough]] to [[underline]] paint the servant [[/underline]] quarters and also the [[underline]] kitchen [[/underline]] and pantry [[underline]] white. [[/underline]] He assures me he can do this in his leisure hour. Again good rain showers.
[[underline]] Evening went aboard our R.R. car [[/underline]] (drawing room) at
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Miami station. Shortly afterwards a refreshing [[underline]] rain pour [[/underline]] of several hours duration made sleep very comfortable.  Miami train [[underline]] from [[strikethrough]] Havana hooked to us at [[/strikethrough]] Key West [[/underline]] (Havana Special) hooked us up about [[underline]] 11:30 P.M. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] July 10 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Had refreshing sleep. - Cool. There are more passengers going North than South when our car was [[underline]] almost empty. [[/underline]] Quite a number of [[underline]] Cubans [[/underline]] with their family.
[[underline]] July 11 [[/underline]] Pleasantly cool night Cloudy weather [[underline]] Arrive New York 11:20 A.M. [[/underline]] Drove directly to office where stayed all afternoon till time to go to Yonkers.
[[underline]] July 12. [[/underline]] At office all day very hot. 89°F and sultry
[[underline]] July 13 [[/underline]] Still hotter [[underline]] 91°F [[/underline]]