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sultry and foggy decidedly [[underline]] more uncomfortable than Miami. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] July 14. [[/underline]] Very hot and sultry 91°F (in Boston 95°F.) Celine and George Baekeland, children left for [[underline]] Adirondacks [[/underline]] and she takes George Roll's children along. [[underline]] Nina had an encounter with George Roll's sister who meddles [[/underline]] in her household and in the education of her children and told her that under those conditions her presence is no longer welcome. Her [[underline]] Roman Catholic fanatism [[/underline]] is probably [[strikethrough]] provided [[/strikethrough]] exploited by some Roman [[underlined]] Catholic confessor who want to make her a tool for interference. Nina's [[/underline]] nurse reports that on account of this [[underline]] Nina's [[/underline]] milk [[underline]] has [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] given out and her baby has now to be fed by the bottle. [[/underline]] Dick reports that [[underline]] George Roll gave a cruel beating to little Celine because the latter preferred to stay home with her mother instead of accompanying George Roll's sister to Church last Sunday. Dick was indignant.
[[strikethrough]] Ju [[/strikethrough]] George Baekeland [[/underline]] and Cornelia are cruising on the [[underline]] St Lawrence and Saguenay on Colonel Pope's Houseboat - Yacht [[/underline]] and his letters are very cheerful. Good rest for him after his operation All day at office. Then motored to Larchmont much cooler there. [[underline]] Pattersen [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Catlow [[/underline]] still painting [[underlined]] Avocet. [[/underline]] Slow progress
[[underline]] July 16 [[/underline]] Another very hot