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[[underline]] to Nina's to see her [[strikethrough]] boy [[/strikethrough]] new baby boy [[/underline]] [[arrow pointing to George]]
Sultry day 
[[strikethrough]] Aug 1. 1927 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] George [[/underline]] At luncheon with Cornelia. Very sultry weather. 
[[underline]] Aug 1. 1927 [[/underline]] At office. Evening at U.C.
[[underline]] Aug 2. Nina left for Adirondacks in her motor car [[strikethrough]] and t [[/strikethrough]] with baby and nurse and took Dick [[/underline]] notwithstanding my [[underline]] expressed opposition [[/underline]] yesterday. No good reason why she should [[underline]] not take train [[/underline]] and not deprive me of services of Dick when I had made plans which needed him here. At office.
Aug 3. At office. Cool and bright.  Evening [[underline]] Celine and I were all alone [[/underline]] as usually on weekdays. [[underline]] She does the cooking and sewing and none of the help around.
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This gives us [[underline]] one evening a week when the house really belongs to us. [[/underline]] - Bright & cool weather
Aug 4. Office all day Bright & cool.
[[underline]] Aug 5. [[/underline]] Ditto. At noon [[underline]] George [[/underline]] and myself went to [[underline]] City Island [[/underline]] where boarded [[underline]] Avocet [[/underline]] and we sailed to Manhasset Bay Light winds & tide against us Went to visit schooner yacht "Empress" which is offered for sale. - Too small and too lightly built. Sailed back to City Island, where [[underline]] Celine joined us [[/underline]] in car to Larchmont where all three had supper.
[[underline]] Aug 6 [[/underline]] At home. Bright & cool.. Celine left this evening for [[underline]] Adirondacks [[/underline]]
Aug 7. (Sunday) Went sailing on [[underline]] Avocet. [[/underline]] Evg. at [[strikethrough]] Cho [[/strikethrough]] Larchmont
[[underline]] Aug 8. [[/underline]] At office very warm and sultry