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no sign of life. Then a janitor appeared who seemed the only living person in the lab. So I went to [[underlined]] Arhenius house. [[/underlined]] He has [[underlined]] decidedly aged since I last saw him in New York about 15 years [[/underlined]] ago. He seemed very glad to see me and we spoke of New York and [[underlined]]  California [[/underlined]] and his friends there. He told me he had entirely recovered from his [[strikethrough]] illness [[/strikethrough]] recent illness which was not serious only a small collapse (stroke) which did not last long. Says he is [[underlined]] 68 now and good for many years more. [[/underlined]] Spoke with the same [[underlined]] throaty garling voice, resounding his r.'s which was so characteristic of him. [[/underlined]]
Afternoon went to the outdoor [[underlined]] biological [[/underlined]] - open
[[left margin]] P.S. End of September while I was in Italy I learned that Arhenius had died. [[/left margin]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
air exhibit a combination of natural park, zoo-anuent and modern dwellings [[strikethrough]] of lo [[\strikethrough]] and log cabins of Northern settlers. [[underlined]] Laplanders [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] etc. All very [[/strikethrough]] with a few restaurants a refreshment rooms thrown in - all very interesting.   
Log cabins remind our log cabins, while the farm houses [[underlined]] plant grass sods [[/underlined]] on [[underlined]] their roofs [[/underlined]] so as to keep them warmer. I [[underlined]] notice some Lapland huts [[/underlined]] in the form of [[underlined]] Indian skin tepees. [[/underlined]] Probably an adaptation by way of the esquimaus of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our Indian tepees Also some [[underlined]] conical tepee shaped grass-sod covered poles and they used for shelter or storage [[/underlined]] of provisions.  [[image: drawing conical shaped structure]] In the better restaurants as well as in the hotel [[underlined]] whenever [[/underlined]] a [[underlined]] bottle [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] better wine [[/underlined]] is [[underlined]] opened [[/underlined]] the [[underlined]] wine-waiter [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Svante Arrhenius was Director of Nobel Institute in 1927