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in whose [[underline]] honor the people of Bali [[/underline]] have recently erected a [[underline]] statue. [[/underline]] His grandson with - [[underline]] Balinese woman became the Sultan of Johore. [[/underline]] The book is:
[[bracket contains the following lines:]]
[[wavy underline]] Krarup-Nielsen [[/wavy underline]] Bogen om Mads Lange og Bali.
Train twice [[underline]] crosses sea arms of the Baltic [[/underline]] on well arranged [[underline]] Steam-ferry boats similar to ours in California but excellent luncheon [[/underline]]  is served. There are a number of [[underline]] German [[/underline]] men and women visible, returning from [[underline]] Northern Seabathing resorts. What faces!! [[/underline]] Oxlike with wedgelike skulls, fat and ugly, and brutal looking with necks as thick as their head and big [[strikethrough]] fat [[/strikethrough]] rimples on their fat necks, and queerly dressed in what they suppose
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to be correct sporting clothes 
Their hair is closely clipped or shaven and makes them look like Sing-Sing convicts. The [[underline]] women if anything look worse and stern drawn, strenuous faces. [[/underline]] Mostly all have their [[underline]] hair cropped to look like boys - and what boys! [[/underline]] They all [[underline]] talk loud [[/underline]] and shrill and have [[underline]] nervous motions and talk with their hands and look like homely men dressed in womens clothes Warnemünde. [[underline]] Seems to be a sailing-yacht center as I notice several sail yachts moored or parked in the harbor.
Country then becomes [[underline]] slightly rolling. [[/underline]] Arrived at about 9 P.M [[underline]] in Hamburg. No possibility [[/underline]] to obtain sleeping car accomodation so [[underline]] have to stop one day at Hamburg. [[/underline]]