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[[image: diagram of sail boat with labels for "Boom" and "cleat"]]
[[image: detailed diagram of sail boat with letters denoting different parts of the craft]]
FS = Forestay
D  = Deck
S  = Sheave
R  = Commanding rope
SS = Bowsprit
B  = Brace
T  = Tabernacle
F  = Fulcrum
I  = Iron clamp to strengthen tabernacle
W  = Wooden brace for tabernacle
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Left Hamburg [[/underlined]] in morning. Rain. Flat uninteresting country. Arrive at 10:30 P.M [[underlined]] Amsterdam [[/underlined]] Wet and rainy. [[underlined]] Amstel Hotel same as 28 years ago. [[/underlined]] Very clean and comfortable room and bath. Very dignified but [[underlined]] clumsy waiters. [[/underlined]] Hotel was built 60 years ago, but looks new. Excellent rest. Prices decidedly [[underlined]] higher everywhere than in Hamburg. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sept 14. [[/underlined]] Rain and more rain. [[underlined]] Taxicabs scarce and expensive. [[/underlined]] Everybody seems to be used to ride a [[underlined]] bicycle [[/underlined]] in the rain. [[underlined]] Water in canals rather dirty and smelly. [[/underlined]]
Near hotel some large houseboats but [[underlined]] without power and used as floating houses
Stockholm looks much cleaner more cheerful and more up to date. [[/underlined]] Neither do [[underlined]] men and women [[/underlined]] one meets on the