Viewing page 47 of 102

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[[underlined]] Sept 20 [[/underlined]] Went to visit some more museums. Then the Museum in the former [[underlined]] Schloss; [[/underlined]] where the [[underlined]] Gold [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Silverplate of the Emperor is now on exhibit [[/underlined]] Then [[underlined]] Museum of History of Art, - splendid [[/underlined]]
Former ^[[Former]] pomp, and soldiers and gold laced officers are conspicuous by their absence. The rails where the Guard used to deposit its rifles in the yard of the Hofburg is still there but [[underlined]] no longer does the guard appear. [[/underlined]]  
The different [[underlined]] apartments [[/underlined]] of the palace, if [[underlined]] not used as a Museum, are rented [[/underlined]] out [[strikethrough]] fo [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] private residences [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] anybody who pays the rental. [[/underlined]] Some of them are shops, cigar stores
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haberdashers, hat stores etc. Sic [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] transit Gloria mundi!
[[underlined]] Sept 21 [[/underlined]] So as to [[underlined]] save expenses [[/underlined]] for [[underlined]] supervision [[/underlined]] in the [[underlined]] numerous Museums [[/underlined]] are [[underlined]] only accessible [[/underlined]] on [[underlined]] different hours and days [[/underlined]] of the [[underlined]] week. Zoological Museum admirably housed [[/underlined]] in [[underlined]] specially built palace. [[/underlined]]
I notice a [[underlined]] plaster cast reproduction [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] Diplococus [[/underlined]] (now in Pittsburgh).  Cast was [[underlined]] donated [[/underlined]] by [[underlined]] Carnegie [[/underlined]] Here is an [[underlined]] immense animal [[/underlined]] about [[underlined]] 150 feet [[/underlined]] long from its head to the end of its long tail. Its [[underlined]] body the size [[/underlined]] of that of [[underlined]] a large elephant [[/underlined]] with a [[underlined]] head as small as that of an average horse. All bulk and no brains - No wonder it is extinct. [[/underlined]]
The skeleton of the [[underlined]] Chimpanzee shows clearly the same number [[/underlined]] and [[strikethrough]] shape [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] size bones as for the nearby human skeleton. Only the shape and sizes differing [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Probably Diplodocus statue