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[[underlined]] somewhat and not much.  Differences [[/underlined]] are even [[underlined]] smaller [[/underlined]] in young [[underlined]] chimpanzees [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] young children skeleton.  
Homo sapiens [[/underlined]] differ mainly [[underlined]] by his skull showing smaller jaws [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] more space for brains. [[/underlined]] If the [[underlined]] anti-evolution fanatics [[/underlined]] of the [[underlined]] Bryan [[\underlined]] and [[underlined]] Tennessee class [[/underlined]] want to be logical they [[underlined]] ought to forbid exhibiting comparative skeletons of Chimpanzees [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] human [[/underlined]]  In fact [[underlined]] they ought to abolish musea exhibiting zoological [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] palentological specimens [[/underlined]] I notice that here as elsewhere in Europe [[underlined]] American fishes and American animals are very poorly represented If there are any they have been obtained [[/underlined]] from the [[underlined]] West Indies. Same remark as to history of Art. [[/underlined]]
Judging the [[underlined]] orderly behavior of the average Viennese [[/underlined]]
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[[underlined]] man or woman; [[/underlined]] their kind and cheerful behavior, good [[underlined]] manners [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] politeness one should conclude that the people at large were much better [[/underlined]] than [[underlined]] their masters and the ruling class. [[/underlined]] The short but frightening [[underlined]] revolution [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] communists [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] a few months [[/underlined]] ago and which resulted in the [[underlined]] partial burning of the Palace of Justice [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] st [[/strikethrough]] was the result of a [[underlined]] silently planned plot arranged by reds [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in [[underlined]] cooperation with Russian [[strikethrough]] Soviet men [[/strikethrough]] communists [[/underlined]] and took the [[underlined]] quiet Viennese unawares. [[/underlined]] The whole thing however was of short duration.  I saw the [[underlined]] burned roofs [[/underlined]] of the Palace [[underlined]] being repaired [[/underlined]]
Beautiful mild weather. Am [[underlined]] wearing my summer clothes. [[/underlined]]
Afternoon went out motoring to [[underlined]] Heilig Kreuz, [[/underlined]] where there