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English and [[underlined]] is one of the curators, was kind enough to guide me altho [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] I came after Museum hours [[/underlined]] had expired  The whole thing well planned showing modern and ancient phases of the industries and crafts. Noticed a small [[underlined]] collection of phenol resinoids [[/underlined]] all marked [[underlined]] "Juvelith" [[/underlined]] without a mention of [[underlined]] Bakelite [[/underlined]]
Then walked to [[underlined]] Schönbrunn pleasant warm weather [[/underlined]] Found pleasant guide:
Oskar Rottenberger 
who spoke good [[underlined]] English [[/underlined]] which he said he [[underlined]] learned at the Somme [[/underlined]] while he [[underlined]] was officer in the Austrian army [[/underlined]] Says that while they were in the [[underlined]] trenches ^[[English]] officers [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Austrian officers regularly visited each other at regular intervals when there was no action [[/underlined]] and treating the situation good naturedly
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[[underlined]] exchanging food, cigars, cigarettes and other articles which one or another was short. [[/underlined]]
Here again the [[underlined]] Schloss Schönbrunn [[/underlined]] which [[underlined]] formerly was a pompous imperial rendering [[/underlined]] of the [[strikethrough]] Kaiser [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Emperor [[/underlined]] is [[underlined]] now the favorite visiting place. [[/underlined]] The [[strikethrough]] gold [[/strikethrough]] guilded [[underlined]] coaches, sleighs, hearses and baby perambulators [[/underlined]] of the [[underlined]] imperial families are still there well [[/underlined]] cared for and [[underlined]] visible [[/underlined]] to the [[underlined]] public [[/underlined]] But the [[underlined]] other buildings not used for exhibition [[/underlined]] purposes have [[underlined]] been rented out [[/underlined]] for [[underlined]] private residence use [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] are occupied like so many hotels [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] flats [[/underlined]]  They look more [[underlined]] cheerful, newly painted [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] white washed as they are, while formerly the Emperor protested against cleaning or paining the exterior [[/underlined]] Then I drove to the [[underlined]] Prater [[/underlined]] which used to be the [[underlined]] showplace [[/underlined]]