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[[underlined]] Budapest is overrun with Jazz even at the high toned Ritz. - One has to hunt for good music and even when one is in a café [[/underlined]] with a so called [[underlined]] Gypsy band the Gypsy music frequently gets Jassified. [[/underlined]] 
Even at the [[underlined]] Café Spolarich [[/underlined]] which is reputed to be the home of real Hungarian music.
[[underlined]] Tokay [[strikethrough]] is sold as [[/strikethrough]] wine is sold as high and higher than best sparkling Hungarian wine which is as good or better than French champagne. People are very moderate in their drinking everywhere. Their excesses run more along sexual lines same as the Turks, and other nations which [[/underlined]]
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shun alcohol.
[[underlined]] Sept 26. [[/underlined]] Wind has shifted from South to North but sky still blue.
At 10 AM [[underlined]] went out with Hungarian guide, pompous little man who started by telling me the importance of the Trianon [[/underlined]] Treaty, and who had [[underlined]] been kept a war prisoner in Malta after they had caught him in Cairo whence they had shipped him to Malta. [[/underlined]] 
In [[underlined]] Budapest he had obtained a job with the American ^[[American]] [[/underlined]] Red Cross, acting as interpreter. Motored to [[underlined]] Buda. [[/underlined]] Sumptuous ^[[sumptuous]] and [[underlined]] well kept, but idle palace of the king Stephen Louis XIIII. 
[[/underlined]] Then [[underlined]] Coronation Church where saw in the [[/underlined]] holy chambers an American flag recently [[underlined]] presented by Hungarians of America to Queen Zita [[/underlined]] which the