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dredging etc.  [[underlined]]Exceedingly well housed, well arranged[[\underlined]] and [[underlined]]well kept collection.[[\underlined]]  Again I note here [[underlined]]shortage of American Specimens, nearest[[\underlined]] to them are [[underlined]]West Indian[[\underlined]]
[[underlined]]Strombus Gingas[[\underlined]] is our big pink Conch.
[[underlined]]Tridacna gigas[[\underlined]] is [[underlined]]Bryan's big shell[[\underlined]]
Afterwards went to walk along harbor.  Three or four [[underlined]]cruising sail yachts[[\underlined]] there and quite a number of smaller sailboats, all warped along the wharf.
[[underlined]]Sunday Oct 9.[[\underlined]]  Another beautiful day.  Took train to [[underlined]]Cannes.[[\underlined]]  Strong wind today.  Several [[underlined]]American cruising yachts[[\underlined]] and also [[underlined]]British,[[\underlined]] and a [[underlined]]few French.[[\underlined]]  British boats largest
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some sail rigged; others power.  One Argentine, one large Egyptian (steam or power)
Met Major [[space provided for name]] an former British officer, now Yacht broker (Cannes Insurance and Yacht Agency 8 Rue Commandant André - Cannes) who took me around and showed me several yachts which we discussed.  He [[underlined]]says every yacht there in summer is for sale[[\underlined]] or [[underlined]]for charter.[[\underlined]]  Charter rates are so much per ton.  He says [[underlined]]40$[[\underlined]] a month + food are usual wages for crew.  [[underlined]]Summer best time[[\underlined]] for [[underlined]]charter[[\underlined]] or purchase.  Most of these boats [[underlined]]come from England[[\underlined]] or North thru the canals and the Rhone and are pretty well fed up by this trip.  Furthermore to remount the Rhone is dangerous and expensive.  So this is really the best place to buy or charter Northern