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throat.  Busy remainder of day revising and examining [[underlined]]pending patent applications[[\underlined]] and other belated work.  George Baekeland, Cornelia and [[underlined]]Sandy Brown[[\underlined]] and his [[underlined]]wife[[\underlined]] here for [[underlined]]supper.[[\underlined]]  She looks queer.
[[underlined]]Oct 24.[[\underlined]]  Much pain in throat last night.  Today [[underlined]]all day meeting executive committee[[\underlined]] all present.  [[underlined]]Net profits[[\underlined]] still run at about [[underlined]]$1100000[[\underlined]] including [[underlined]]$240000[[\underlined]] revenue from securities.  But a [[underlined]]drastic cut in prices of molding material[[\underlined]] is [[underlined]]proposed and carefully[[\underlined]] discussed.  - I [[underlined]]feel again much interested in my work and[[\underlined]] in Bakelite matters.
[[left margin]] Omitted in former pages [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]]oct 21.[[\underlined]]  Very busy, all day.  Evening went to meeting of [[underlined]]Societe de Chimie Industrielle.[[\underlined]]  All were there including [[underlined]]W.H. Nichols.[[\underlined]]  Very [[underlined]]strong sentiment against[[\underlined]] the [[underlined]]French Committee[[\underlined]] and
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[[left margin]] Societe de Chimie Industrielle [[\left margin]]
all in favor of [[underlined]]winding[[\underlined]] up [[underlined]]New York Section[[\underlined]] of [[underlined]]the Societe Chimie[[\underlined]] Industrielle.  Except [[underlined]]Kung, Alexander and myself.[[\underlined]]  I urge them to maintain the section [[underlined]]but not run it foolishly as in the past by regular meetings.[[\underlined]]  But [[underlined]]once in awhile on the arrival of a distinguished French Chemist[[\underlined]] invite him to speak and make it a great occasion for a public lecture.
[[underlined]]Dr. Thomas, secretary[[\underlined]] wants to [[underlined]]resign[[\underlined]] and [[underlined]]Jerome Alexander is appointed in his place.[[\underlined]]  Dr. W.H. [[underlined]]Nichols advises[[\underlined]] that whatever we do, should not be done now but after the crisis is weathered.  Tells me [[underlined]]he will not go to the Berthelot dinner[[\underlined]] and will send his contribution directly to Paris and not to the Committee here.  [[underlined]]Boquet[[\underlined]] who is [[underlined]]head of the Committee is absent in Europe.[[\underlined]]  Present Thomas, McKee, Jackson, Nochols, Hendrick, Kung and myself.