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[[underlined]]Dove absent.[[\underlined]]  There is an intense feeling against [[underlined]]Maurice Leon and the French Embassy.[[\underlined]]  Afterwards took supper at University Club then home
[[underlined]]Oct 22.[[\underlined]]  I telephoned to [[underlined]]Parsons[[\underlined]] to Washington for direct information.
Evening alone at Snug Rock with Celine.
[[underlined]]For 23 & 24 see pages before.[[\underlined]]
[[underlined]]Oct 25.[[\underlined]]  Long excellent sleep last night and my [[underlined]]sore throat[[\underlined]] which worried [[underlined]]me is gone[[\underlined]] and I feel well again.
Additional meeting was held for further [[underlined]]discussion of proposed price reduction.  Schleussner and Redman[[\underlined]] cannot be present.  So spent all morning with [[underlined]]A. Karpen, Swan, Rossi & Geo B.  Swan[[\underlined]] gave an excellent detailed [[underlined]]analysis[[\underlined]] of [[underlined]]sales showing where[[\underlined]] we had lost and why.  
Adolph Karpen had to leave at noon.  We kept further discussion
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[[underlined]]Radio sales have dropped everywhere.[[\underlined]]  We [[underlined]]have lost Diamond Fibre[[\underlined]] as we knew we would when we sued them.  Furthermore [[underlined]]others have gone over[[\underlined]] to cheaper prices of [[underlined]]our competitors.[[\underlined]]
Evening went to [[underlined]]Berthelot dinner[[\underlined]] at [[underlined]]Ritz Hotel.[[\underlined]]  Was a speakers table on the right of French Ambassador (Claudel) [[underlined]]Dr. Finley[[\underlined]] was [[underlined]]toastmaster,[[\underlined]] he referred to my work on [[underlined]]bakelite[[\underlined]] and said he got the information from the [[underlined]]Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Few chemists[[\underlined]] but a [[underlined]]full gathering[[\underlined]] of public men and women.  I spoke about [[underlined]]synthesis[[\underlined]] and what it meant as creative chemistry.  [[underlined]]Maurice Leon[[\underlined]] directed the meeting.
Very pleasant meeting and [[underlined]]my speech was well received.[[\underlined]]
[[underlined]]Oct 26.[[\underlined]]  Strenuous day.  Luncheon with E.R. [[underlined]]Townsend[[\underlined]] told him present conditions and problems