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Evening supper with wild ducks ^[[ducks]] of [[underlined]] Pupin [[/underlined]] at University Club.  Pupin, Peet, Bridges, Hutchinson, Parsons, Audin and myself.
[[underlined]] Nov. 9. Democrats war in [[/underlined]] New York and in N.Y State mostly due to popularity of Governor [[underlined]] Smith [[/underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] Nov [[/strikethrough]] All day session with [[underlined]] Potter about British situation [[/underlined]]. Advise -- questions and pending matter.  Hays there to change name of [[underlined]] Damard to Bakelite Ltd [[/underlined]]
Redman who was prevented from being present yesterday by prior engagement in Philadelphia is here.
[[underlined]] Nov. 10 [[/underlined]] Another full day with [[underlined]] Potter [[/underlined]] and taking advice from others on several pending matters
I do not feel well, cramps in lower abdomen.
Went to Cruising Club dinner where we listened to a
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German who is on his last part of a trip around the world in his small ketch. (Captain Kircheiss?)in the war [[underlined]] second in Command of that German raider which got caught in the South Sea Islands [[/underlined]] and whose crew had unusual adventures.  He described all these in a very interesting way.  [[underlined]] George Baekeland was my [[/underlined]] guest. -- He has a cold. Both left early.  During night has increasing pains and slept poorly.  Wonder whether this is anything serious.  [[underlined]] Can hardly walk. Feverish. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov 11 [[/underlined]] Feel somewhat [[underlined]] better [[/underlined]] this morning.  Have an appointment with [[underlined]] President Butler [[/underlined]] so stayed in bed till 10 AM and at noon [[underlined]] drove to Columbia [[/underlined]] Butler wanted to consult me about the [[underlined]] Research Bequest [[/underlined]] of the widow of [[underlined]] Herman Trask [[/underlined]].