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Fine building - splendid gift Met [[underlined]] many friends there. - Nichols has aged very much in these late years.
Evening [[underlined]] George Roll and Nina [[/underlined]] here for supper. [[underlined]] George R. [[/underlined]] tells me about [[strikethrough]] his c [[/strikethrough]] a man who is specialist in enamelling and motor car painting and who after visit to our laboratory is very enthusiastic about our new varnishes.
[[underlined]] Dec. 4. [[/underlined]] (Sunday). Here all day [[underlined]] Correcting specifications [[/underlined]] of patents etc.
[[underlined]] Dec. 5. [[/underlined]] Busy day at office Potter back
[[underlined]] Dec. 6 [[/underlined]] My long letter to [[underlined]] Bishop giving specific order not to meddle in Damard [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Dec 7. [[/underlined]] Since some time I note a small white hard spot about 1/8 inch diameter on the tissue Just beyond my farthest lower right molar. If it probably
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due to biting on the tissue. It may also be the beginning of a cancerous growth. So went to Dr. [[underlined]] Schmidt [[/underlined]] throat specialist to have it examined. He does not seem to attack much importance to it and touched it with Silvernitrate solution The spot give no pain whatever Then to New York.
[[underlined]] Dec. 8 [[/underlined]] At office all day. This evening when I was thru a busy day [[underline]] George Roll started on one complaints of not [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] having [[/strikethrough]] being [[underlined]] given enough importance in office [[/underlined]] etc. etc. He does not seem to [[underlined]] realise his limitations. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Dec. 9. Potter [[/underlined]] leaves to morrow for England. Took Potter [[underlined]] Kasenobu [[/underlined]] and young [[underlined]] Takamenie [[/underlined]] for luncheon at [[underlined]] University Club [[/underlined]]
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[[underlined]] Dec. 10. [[/underlined]] Further examination of [[underlined]] throat and mouth [[/underlined]] by Dr. Smith. [[underlined]] Nothing seems wrong. [[/underlined]] Applied some same [[underlined]] AgNO3 [[/underlined]] solution. He thinks little spot is smaller than it was.