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left for Washington by night train
[[underlined]] Dec 12 [[/underlined]] Early to [[underlined]] Cosmos Club [[/underlined]] for breakfeast. There met [[underlined]] Gardner [[/underlined]] by appointment to talk about new applications of our products for varnish and paints. Then went to his laboratory where he showed me his [[underlined]] tests. [[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] All seem to point out bakelite has [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] great future in that directions. [[/red underlined]] [[underlined]] Tests prove superior to Ducco [[/underlined]] and other cellulose varnishes [[underlined]] also to ordinary resin varnishes [[/underlined]] He confirms our belief that [[underlined]] simplest way to find a market will be to see raw material to paint and varnish trade. leaving open however future possibility of entering the field directly by supplying the ultimate consumer with a superior varnish under our own trade-mark [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]] Varnishes! [[/left margin]]
At 11AM meeting at [[red underlined]] Department of Commerce [[/red underlined]] with the other
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[[red underlined]] members [[/red underlined]] of the [[red underlined]] Chemical Advisory committee. Mr. Colgate of Colgate [[/red underlined]] brothers is a new member and [[red underlined]] endorsed warmly my views and recommendations. [[red underlined]] Afternoon joint meet with [[red underlined]] Secretary Hoover and Dr. Klein [[/red underlined]] who participated both [[red underlined]] in discussion. [[/red underlined]]
This went to [[underlined]] Charles Parsons [[/underlined]] office where in friendly way discussed [[underlined]] Berthelot [[/underlined]] Memorial incident. [[underlined]] Parsons [[/underlined]] showed me some documents signed by [[underlined]] Dr. Herty [[/underlined]] which leave no doubt in my mind [[underlined]] that the latter is very hostile to Parson. [[/underlined]] Left with night train
[[underlined]] Dec 13. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Very [[/strikethrough]] Early at office [[underlined]] Karpen [[/underlined]] arrived about 11. A.M had long talk with him about pending problems. At 2P.M I presided [[underlined]] Executive Com. [[/underlined]] meeting All present. Many different questions to attend to. [[underlined]] Strenuous day [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Dec. 14 [[/underlined]] All morning session