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[[underlined in red]] troubles with her husband [[/underlined in red]] as I absolutely want to avoid [[underlined in red]] lowering in any way whatsoever [[/underlined in red]] the respect she has for him. If it [[underlined in red]] were not for this I would have discharged George Roll many years ago. [[/underlined in red]] after I found out his irritating ways. The first year I tried him. Afterwards I learn from Celine that [[underlined in red]] George and Nina had had a violent quarrel [[/underlined]] after leaving our house last night on account of his [[underlined in red]] meddlesome sister Florence [[/underlined in red]] who wants to spend Christmas week in Nina's house and Nina said that if this were the case she would leave the house until Florence was gone. 
Then George Roll threatened her that in this case he would prevent the grand children visiting here.
After I was calmed down somewhat I [[underlined in red]] called George Roll and George Baekeland [[/underlined in red]]
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[[underlined in red]] together [[/underlined in red]] and repeated what I had told before that if he had any suspician about George Baekeland's [[underlined in red]] loyalty to him he was [[/underlined in red]] entirely [[underlined in red]] mistaken [[/underlined in red]] and how George B in several cases had advised me [[strikethrough]] in his [[/strikethrough]] so as to avoid misunderstandings or fancied slights in anythig I did. I told George Roll his [[underlined in red]] advancement depends on himself like anybody else in the employ of the company [[/underlined in red]] but unfortunately thru my influence [[underlined in red]] his advancement had been beyond his qualifications [[/underlined in red]] I asked him: "What do you want where can you be of use to better advantage? Is it the mfg Dept? Is it Research? Is it advertising? Is it selling department? Are you better qualified for any of them?" To which he answered "No". [[underlined in red]] All he wants is to meddle and play the boss of Horne in the accountig department where already two men in succession have left after he disgusted them. [[/underlined in red]]