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[[underlined]] Dec. 20. [[/underlined]] Examined at Life Extension Institute. My [[underlined in red]] general health [[/underlined in red]] seems good, altho' yesterday I was much [[underlined in red]] by the Roll episode [[/underlined in red]] and slept badly last night.
[[underlined in red]] George Roll stayed home. [[/underlined in red]] Has Lumbago my talk has had for result that he paid his sisters trip to Minnesota so Nina will not have to leave her home on Christmas.
[[underlined]] Dec. 21. [[/underlined]] Meeting [[underlined in red]] Research Com. of Columbia University at Dean Woodbridge office. [[/underlined in red]] Long discussion. Then visited [[underlined in red]] Prof Turner [[/underlined in red]] who showed me results of further work. Very busy day at office
[[underlined]] Dec 22. [[/underlined]] Another visit to Dr. Smith then to dentist. Geo Roll still lumbago at home.
[[underlined]] Dec. 23. [[/underlined]] Swan at office reports rather good as to competition and visit to customers. Evening supper at [[strikethrough]] Dec. 24 [[/strikethrough]] U.C.
[[underlined]] Dec. 24. [[/underlined]] All day packing for [[underlined in red]] Florida [[/underlined in red]] and getting things in shape. All day at home. Geo Roll still in bed lumbago - No office to day
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