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[[underlined]] She was all smiles and friendly but says Japanese Lantern was her mothers [[/underlined]] and she paid $150 for it so I gave her a check for that amount and got the Giant East Indian shell back which she had removed from the lawn.  
Bought an enamel [[underlined]] top kitchen table [[/underlined]] and a wooden kitchen chair so as to have something on which to write and to sit.  
Evening started my first batch of grape juice. Ferment took very slowly only after two days but then went well
[[strikethrough]] Go [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Dec. [[strikethrough 30 [[/strikethrough]] 31. [[/underlined]] Got 1% discount for paying my local taxes before end of year.  These taxes amount to

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as follows:
City of Miami  776.25
assessed $57500
[[strikethrough]] Dade County 100 [[/strikethrough]]
Dade County   1050.01
Total       $ 1826.26
Of the latter:
303.03 is special school tax
634.92 County tax
108.23 State tax
[[red underlined]] Assessed value is 14430.00 [[/red underlined]]
150 feet. lot C
less 125'x 300' (deeded to Church)
There is also an item on Dade County called
One Mill tax = $14.43
The City tax is as follows:
Lot 1 = 10000$ and value  135.00
    2 = 10000   "    "    135.00
    3 =  5000   "    "     67.50
    4 =  5000   "    "     67.50
    5 =  5000   "    "     67.50
    6 =  5000   "    "     67.50
    A = 17500   "    "    236.25
Went buying tools and supplies paid about $150